Feb 28, 2012

Quick Pic - Hot Dog

Shot some photos at a power line safety demo this morning... this is one way to cook a hot dog.
Hot Dog

Not really.
It was to demonstrate the danger of wearing jewelry should you be in an electrical incident. You can see how the ring on the hot dog pretty much melted through. I'll just stay away from the power lines, thank you very much.

Feb 22, 2012

Shots that are almost good..

Taking high school sports photos as part of the job is a lot of fun, and a lot of frustration. The frustrating ones are shots that would have been nice if you were just in a slightly different place or slightly better timing...

Like this.. so close. The ball is just behind the runner's head.

The good thing is, the more you take, the more keepers you get.

Don J.

Feb 17, 2012

Won't make the paper, but...

Sometimes the best shot doesn't have a home... I like this one a lot.

Who is going to AutoRama this weekend?

Feb 3, 2012