Aug 24, 2010

Getting the timing back

Shooting sports is a lot of fun for me, but each sport has its own timing and rhythm with a camera. Beyond that, even each level of play has a unique rhythm and speed.

Volleyball can be mind numbing to get a shot you really like, but it is fun anyway.

The timing is starting to come back, but of course, this is the junior varsity. Moving up to higher levels requires faster reaction time and more concentration. Football is very similar.

Good times... sure with that guy wasn't walking in the background at that exact moment.

And then there was autofocus. And it was good. At least when the operator had control. Then it was just as ornery as manual focus.


When the autofocus and your brain are in sync, then the fun begins.

Have a good week, everyone

Don J.

Aug 19, 2010

Football season begins... it is going to be fun

Michael is taking the first big road trip of the season to Sulphur Springs for Friday's scrimmage, but I am really looking forward to some Friday nights on the sidelines.

Have sports photographer dreams? here is a nice primer on that career path.

On the journalism side of things, I had the good fortune to show up at the right time as Terrell firefighters were finishing up at the Flexible Foam Products facility after a fire Tuesday evening.

The only light was bright morning sun streaming through open dock doors a good 100 feet away and various holes in the building. ISO 3200 gave me 1/50 shutter speed at f2.8 (-2 exposure compensation to make up for all of the blackness) and I still had to boost this quite a bit in Lightroom.


It isn't "Tack Sharp" but to get that shot out of ISO 3200 on the 40D... I really like it. The light was just crazy.

Of course the fire and the upcoming football season also motivated me to buy a new camera (with better high-iso performance, water sealing and focusing) and so I'm happy about that too.

Here is a slideshow of images from the fire...

Have a great weekend everybody,

Don J.

Aug 3, 2010

Staying Busy...

Here is a quick blog of photos from a fun photo shoot with Brooke before (OK, and during) work today to prove that I did something somewhat productive this week.

Lesson learned? You can easily sweat through two shirts before 7:30 a.m. without working all that hard in this July/Texas heat.

Have a great week everybody, fall is on the way.

Don J.