Michael is taking the first big road trip of the season to Sulphur Springs for Friday's scrimmage, but I am really looking forward to some Friday nights on the sidelines.
Have sports photographer dreams? here is a
nice primer on that career path.
On the journalism side of things, I had the good fortune to show up at the right time as Terrell firefighters were finishing up at the Flexible Foam Products facility after a fire Tuesday evening.
The only light was bright morning sun streaming through open dock doors a good 100 feet away and various holes in the building. ISO 3200 gave me 1/50 shutter speed at f2.8 (-2 exposure compensation to make up for all of the blackness) and I still had to boost this quite a bit in Lightroom.
It isn't "Tack Sharp" but to get that shot out of ISO 3200 on the 40D... I really like it. The light was just crazy.
Of course the fire and the upcoming football season also motivated me to buy a new camera (with better high-iso performance, water sealing and focusing) and so I'm happy about that too.
Here is a slideshow of images from the fire...
Have a great weekend everybody,
Don J.