Jan 23, 2010

Workin' it...

My favorite aspect of being a newspaper guy (ok, so it has only been three months, so what do I know) is that there is always a new challenge or situation to photograph.

As I've mentioned before, shooting in the TISD Performing Arts Center is usually a good thing. Mr. Davis and his students/staffers are great and always make a nice scene to shoot.

But even with good light, shooting from the same spots at the same stage can get repetitive looking, so the real key to keep life interesting can be to look for angles and wait for moments.

It was Southern Gospel music tonight, and these guys are very expressive. At the end of a song, you get several seconds to catch them in full dramatic pose.

When the second group took the stage, I noticed that there was now a gobo'd flower shape light on each side wall... working that into the picture is a bit difficult because you get a large chunk of really dark space where the audience is seated.

A perk of being with the paper is getting access to areas that regular concertgoers cannot go. From the wings backstage, I could get a smaller slice of audience, use the "flower" as background material and still make an interesting photo. Problem... no faces, but I still like it.

We really want faces for newspaper shots, so when one performer went to the front of the stage, it was just a matter of waiting for him to turn my way. Unfortunate bunch of clutter with the speakers in front of the stage though.

That was fun for a little while, and if you like that style of music, it was quite well done. I did not see many people in the sub-40 age range though.

On the way to the venue, I crossed some railroad tracks and jumped out for a quick photo with the post-rain sunset happening.. it looked much better in person, and I wish I had made time to turn the situation into something more interesting.

And when I left, with the streets still a bit wet and reflective, so I stopped in downtown Terrell to play a bit with some slow shutter shots.

Find a way to be creative this weekend...

Don J.

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