Enjoyed shooting a fun wedding for awesome couple Alan and Nevada on Saturday. It made a great transition for me too, as tomorrow is my last day as on the newspaper staff.
If you haven't seen this yet, it is worth a mesmerizing look ... a compilation of shots by astronauts from the International Space Station.
View from the ISS at Night from Knate Myers on Vimeo.
Are phone cameras the future of photography? Dan Chung is doing a pretty good job of covering the Olympics with one... follow along here.
Or how about shooting players from the New York Yankees with an iPhone. In a bathroom.
Watching the Olympics and I keep wanting to push a shutter button. Probably annoys my wife when I make shutter noises to go along with it.
I have also enjoyed the Olympics commercials. Chevrolet made great use of photos in their 100th anniversary ad.
Cool photog T-shirts. Did I mention my birthday on Thursday? Oh, I did? Ok.
Not many wedding venues have a cool welded metal wall to shoot against, so I had no choice but to take advantage of it :).