Some parents have bought decent DSLRs but still get blurry photos.
Unfortunately, high school stadiums are usually dim. It is one place that spending a bunch of money on lenses really can help, but all is not lost. Here are some things to thing about.
Choose lenses appropriately. A cheap 300mm zoom will not let in enough light for crisp action shots. For example, as a Canon guy, I would skip the Canon EF 70-300mm f/4-5.6
To make up for the shorter lens, Get as close as possible. Any cropping you do afterwards will really reduce image quality, so it is important to fill the frame as much as possible. Move to stay close to the action.
Do not rely on "Sports Mode." Yes, the camera makers put it there for a reason, but not for low-light. Most sports mode settings will not bump to the highest ISO settings. Learn how to force the camera out of its comfort zone. Manual mode it is.
The built in flash is a waste of battery. Unless you are on the sideline and the action is within 10 yards, it isn't going to do much except giving nice red eyes to everyone in the picture. Adding a big flash can be useful if you are on the sidelines (many small newspaper photogs use them). I don't like the look myself, but I am going to try a few tricks this year.
Here are a few example pics along with the settings used. Note.. all of these have been brightened up and had noise reduction applied in Adobe Lightroom.
To set a standard, how about Cowboys Stadium in Arlington.
Of course the light is good. Everything is good for the pros and HD television cameras. It is roughly four to eight times brighter than any of the 3A and 4A high school stadiums.
ISO 1600, f2.8, 1/800
Terrell Memorial Stadium
Terrell's field has no track, so that lights are relatively close to the field. That isn't enough to make up for the lack of bulbs. It is one of the most difficult places to shoot in the area.
This is ISO 6400, f2.8, 1/500.
Crandall High School
The stadium had some upgrades a few years ago that helped a lot. Very dark shadows, but the light is much better than it was. You can see how much more detail you get with lower ISO.
ISO 2000, f2.8, 1/500
Kaufman Lions Stadium
New turf helps a bit, but Kaufman is still very dim stadium.
ISO 6400, f2.8, 1/320
Greenville High School
The press box may be absurdly high and the turf needs replacing (as of 2011), but the lights are decent for a high school stadium.
ISO 3200, f2.8, 1/640
Mesquite Memorial Stadium
Mesquite Memorial is a nice place to shoot. The lights are nice enough, but also it is in a bowl at one end, giving a nice clean background at least part of the time. Of course there is that nifty tower at one end to play with as a background element as well.
ISO 3200, f2.8, 1/800
Red Oak High School
I've only shot here once. Not the brightest, but I still managed to get a lot of shots I liked. There is something to be said for even distribution of light as well.
ISO 3200, f2.8, 1/500.
Forney High School
Forney's lights are nice and bright. Even better, they are positioned at the ends of the field, giving better light in the end zones and in players' faces.
ISO 3200, f2.8, 1/800
Tyler Rose Stadium (Earl Campbell Field)
Lights aren't mentioned in possible field upgrades in Tyler, but it sure would help. The stadium has potential to be a great little bowl, but right now it is ugly and dark. On the positive end, the giant video board can work as a softbox at one end zone :)
ISO 6400, f2.8, 1/500
Lancaster High School
Very nice facilities in Lancaster, including good lights.
ISO 3200, f2.8, 1/640
Ennis High School
Decent lights in Ennis...
ISO 3200, f2.8, 1/640.
For any high school stadium after the sun goes down, I generally start with ISO 3200/f2.8 and see what it gives me for a shutter speed. From there, it is all experimentation. Often, in older stadiums especially, there are hot spots on the field that are brighter. It is worth paying attention and waiting for action in those spots.
Good luck!
Don J.